
Climate tech as a service

Combine physical and digital realms to solve climate issues.

Nedamco’s expertise lies in delivering comprehensive digital twin solutions that span various industries, such as water management and biomass. By generating virtual, 4D representations of physical assets, systems, and processes, we bridge the gap between the physical and digital realms. Our digital twins, updated in real-time, offer superior visualization, analytics, and simulation capabilities, empowering informed decision-making.

Our end-to-end digital twin solutions enable real-time monitoring, actionable insights, and scenario simulations, supplying a complete overview of the asset, system, or process. For example, in water management, our digital twins can optimize water distribution systems and detect leaks. 

This accessible and versatile approach allows stakeholders to make data-driven decisions, enhancing efficiency and sustainability across a multitude of applications. By leveraging the power of digital twins, users can identify potential issues, evaluate various scenarios, and implement solutions with confidence. This proactive approach leads to improved outcomes, enabling organizations to optimize their operations and achieve their strategic goals


Environmental credits and certificates

Enabling the net-zero transition in the age of climate change.

As the world transitions towards net-zero, in order to support the gradual net-zero journey, a new business model has emerged that has the potential to become a significant source of income for African countries – carbonomics. This model involves trading environmental credits and certificates that represent the reduction or removal emissions.

These credits and certificates can take different forms, including carbon , renewable energy , and water. The demand for environmental credits  and certificates is projected to increase exponentially, with McKinsey estimating that it could grow by a factor of 15 or more by 2030, and by a factor of up to 100 by 2050.

African countries are poised to take advantage of the growing trend towards carbonomics by creating various types of environmental credits and certificates that can be traded on regulated stock exchanges, and attracting private financing for climate-action projects that might not otherwise be funded.

To meet the United Nations’ call for trillions of dollars to be invested in the fight against climate change, the World Bank’s new leadership is expected to provide innovative financing options for environmental credit certificates. This presents a tremendous opportunity for African countries to become leaders in the carbonomics market and contribute to the global effort to combat climate change. By tapping into this growing market, African countries can not only address their environmental challenges but also create wealth and sustainable economic development.

Additionally, the digitalization of the environmental credit market has become an increasingly important aspect in the industry, with companies like Nedamco Africa pioneering the use of Microsoft’s Environmental Credit Service (ECS) to log and administer all interactions, data storage, and transfers across the whole end-to-end flow. The use of ECS supplies a transparent, secure, and efficient way of trading environmental credits and certificates, which can further benefit African countries looking to participate in any environmental market.

Nedamco Africa Operating Countries

